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Biodiversity, Global Warming, Self-reliance
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Autumn & winter 2016 Edition

Harmful Effect of Economic Priority

In 70s, women in the Himalayan Moun-tains took the risk to protect forests sustaining their lives from developers, holding trees.  The nonviolent resist-ance was called “Chipko Movement.”   Ms. Vandana Shiva, a prominent Indian environmental activist, was deeply mo-ved and inspired by it and then she has been criticizing economic priority with exploitation and promoting sustainable agriculture keeping diversity.   

Beyond Ecology

“Nature is not merely for humans’ benefits” says the well-known Indian activist, emphasizing
Deep ecology.  However, he believes that the true ecology is beyond Deep ecology.  What is it based on Indian philosophy of religion?

Nature Protection beyond generations

 “Chipko Movement”, a sig-nificant nonviolent resistance based on Gandhi’s actions by ordinary Indian women taking the risk to embrace trees to protect forests from developers, has in-fluenced many nature conser-vation movements all over the world.  The introductory guide for the movement.

Tackling global warming

Bhutan, a rare nation that has rich primary forests, declares “the carbon-neutral policy” to the international community.  The nation directly suffers the global warming including the glacier melting in the Himalayas and strongly feels the urgent action against it.

Article /  Document

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) based in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, researches the ecosystem, mountain people's living and knowledge in the Himalayan region extending through Burma, Bhutan, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Pakistan to Afghanistan and utilizes them for sustainable development there.   

Ms. Vandana Shiva abandoned her promising future to be a physicist and became an environmental activist, being moved and inspired by the Gandhi's style nonviolent resistance by ordinary village women in the Himalaya mountains.  

The global warming has deeply influenced the Himalayan region.  For recent 50 years, many glaciers have been retreating and some of them have already burst and caused damage to local people.  The Himalayan glacier melting also means we are losing the precious “reservoir of freshwater" on the earth sustaining more than one billion people.  

Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in 2011, the majority of Japanese people have been against the nuclear power policy by the government.  On the other hand, it has been actively doing the "nuclear foreign policy."  The deal with India that is not the member of Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is symbolic for it.  I wonder if the Fukushima's lesson will seriously be applied in the future?  

Volunteers Needed

We are recruiting volunteers who can translate English to Japanese or proofread English sentences.  Please kindly enroll here.  

Information Wanted

We are searching meaningful information which can be in line with the concept of HAC.  Please kindly contact us if you know or have them.   


A famous Canadian writer instructs the main point of Bhutan's GNH

How deeply the global warming damages the Himalayas?

"Where is India Gandhi was dreaming for?"

Sincere thought about the essential meaning of environment

In Search of Gandhi

Video Archive

Recommended Movie

Recommended Books

Words of
     the Himalayan Wisdom

  “Without reverence there can be no ecology, and without spirituality there can be no sustainability."

A dialogue with an Indian environmental philosopher in "the reservoir of deep wisdom" 

The Himalaya Archive Japan running Himalaya Awareness Channel is a Japanese nonprofit organization with the organizational concept “Thinking of the Earth, Thinking from the Himalaya.” 

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