" I believe that if one man gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him and, if one man falls, the whole world falls to that extent. "
Mahatma Gandhi
“Awareness through the Himalayan Wisdom”
Welcome! The Himalaya Awareness Archives (HAA) is a unique information center and its aim is to observe and consider human society through the Himalayan wisdom, which is different from customary viewpoints dominant in our society.
The usual meaning of “Archives” is “a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved : a repository or collection especially of information.” The HAA defines it as “a special action to record, preserve, release and make various precious words and actions accessible so that everyone in current and future generations can use them to transform societies.”
We hope that the archives can contribute to your awakening to a “consciousness of citizens of the Earth” dormant in each person’s hearts.
The Himalayan Wisdom is the general term for Veda, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism and so on, which have been cultivated in the Himalayan region and guides for many people’s lives since ancient times. HAA selects three common important elements from the wisdom and makes them the viewpoints to consider human society: Those are the following “WHOLENESS” “NON-VIOLENCE” and “REVOLUTION.”
HAA communicates a wide variety of information in categories through the viewpoints.
*Himalaya Awareness Archives is run by the Himalaya Archive Japan, a Japanese nonprofit organization.
“Everything is connected."
”We are waves of the ocean. Superficially each wave looks independent but fundamentally they are from the same source and are connected each other.”
“More superior is one who with spiritual intelligence acts equally towards affectionate well-wishers and enemies.” “Be an uncompromising opponent of violent methods even to serve the noblest of causes.”
“The method of non-violence is not in any shape or form a passive or inactive method.”
“We must not attach ourselves even to the truths we hold most securely.” "A reformer cannot afford to wait till others are converted; he must take the lead and venture forth alone even in the teeth of universal opposition." "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Tibetans under the severe surveillance
Tibet was invaded by China in the 1950’s. Now, it’s a part of China, called “Tibetan Autonomous Region.” In fact, there’s hardly any real autonomy for Tibetan and Beijing has severely been controlling Tibet by the mighty military power. So far, approximately 200 Tibetans have immolated themselves to protest against the brutal policy. Nothing essentially has changed and Tibetans’ suffering continues…
Don't clip the precious wing
As Ms. Malala Yousafzai the youngest Nobel peace laureate has said repeatedly, her words and actions are obviously influenced by his father who used to be the principal of a private school. How he educated Malala in the male-dominated society? In the presentation, he shows his philosophy on education and human rights.
Harmful Effect of Economic Priority
In 70s, women in the Himalayan Mountains took the risk to protect forests to sustain their lives from developers, holding trees. The nonviolent resistance was called “Chipko Movement.” Ms. Vandana shiva, a prominent Indian environmental activist, was deeply moved and inspired by it and then she has been criticizing economic priority with exploitation and promoting sustainable agriculture keeping diversity.