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In recent years the global warming-caused heavy rain, flood and large avalanche, and big earthquake often hit the Himalayan area.  HAJ will do more about disasters and convey useful rescue information through our owned media including this official website and the Himalaya Awareness Channel.  Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation. 

Nepal earthquake (May 2015) 

On April 25, 2015 the big earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 M occurred at approximately the center of Nepal.  It killed over 8,000 people and injured more than 21,000 and destroyed many buildings including world heritage ones.  Tens of thousands became homeless and live in tents.  


As for the recovery, the nation has a bunch of very real problems especially restoration of the infrastructure.  Nepali government has been asking for international support.  According to the UN, it’s still far from enough.  In June, the monsoon season will start and continue for few months.  The living conditions of disaster victims will be worse and secondary disaster including mudslide will be apprehended.  Donating must be the first step for us to support Nepal.  

Pakistan flood disaster (Aug. 2010) 

Due to the monsoon-cased heavy rain that continued from last month, the great flood has hit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in Pakistan. According to Reuters dated on Aug. 3, victims are over 3 millions and casualties are over 1400. The number is obviously expected to increase. National governments and NGOs started out to support.

HAJ sent a relief funds through Japanese Red Cross Society. Monetary support is truly necessary along with human support and material support at the time of disaster. We would appreciate your supports.

Japanese Red Cross Society: “Pakistan flood disaster relief fund” (finished)
UNHCR: “ Pakistan flood emergency assistance“ (finished)


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