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We are truly happy to work with people who are seriously share the vision and concept of the Hilamalya Archive Japan - 
"Think of the Earth, Think from the Himalaya,"  besides your supports to HAJ would be greately appreciated since we can not
continue our activities without them.    Here are how to join and support us:  


Along the launch of the Himalaya Awareness Channel, an informative special website on the Himalaya, we are largely, urgently recruiting volunteers who can translate English to Japanese or proofread English sentences.  Please kindly enroll.  


Again, we can not fulfill our mission without people’s supports.  Please join us as a member if you are seriously interested in working together.  There are several membership privileges.  Besides, we are planning new events to promote friendship among our support members such as private Himalaya-film screening, workshops, mountain trekking and so on. 


Your precious monetary support will help us embody our original vision.  Please consider making a one-time donation or a monthly contribution.

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The Himalaya Archive Japan
"Think of the Earth, Think from the Himalaya"
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