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The vision of the Himalaya Archive Japan (HAJ) is to create a better society, where people can harmonize with nature and live in peace with each other, through the message from the vast nature and the profound spiritual culture in “the Himalaya”.  HAJ pursues the following objectives in order to realize this vision.

"Observing the Himalaya"
Provision of the Himalaya-related infomation 

In the 21st century the Himalaya as a “mirror” reflects international issues such as global climate change, religious and ethnic disputes, environmental destruction, cultural and economical globalization, energy resource and so on.Experts, journalists and local people passionately reports in various ways. HAJ selects and translates the valuable information in its own standard along with HAJ’s original reports and conveys them through “Himalaya Awareness Channel, “Summit-Eyes Film Festival" and so forth.

 "Empathizing with the Himalaya"
Support of unknown grass-roots movement and "freedom fighters"

In the Himalayan countries there are certainly genuine activists, journalists, filmmakers and refugees, who struggle with severe social-tabooed problems such as environment, human rights, religious convention and so forth.  In addition, many local people and social workers have been tackling wide-scale disasters taken place almost every year and longtime poverty and educational issues.  The majority of those above are yet to receive much international awareness.  HAJ will report and support the unknown meaningful activities in its original ways.    

 "Awakening through the Himalaya"
Application of the Himalayan wisdom and spirituality

The Himalayan spiritual culture is said to have over 5000-year history. The profound spirituality – Buddhism, Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, yoga – has been attracting many including well known persons such as Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Romain Rolland, Steve Jobs, etc. The profound spirituality including “non-violence”, “wholeness”, “Beyondness” and so on also potentially has “clues” to solve problems the confused contemporary is facing. HAJ is exploring its today’s significance and concrete, effective ways of using it in our societies.

Guidelines for action

- We strive to respect and reconcile different race, ethnic groups and cultures

- We will pursue nothing but truth and will not regard any issue as a taboo

- We will increase HAJ’s usability through partnership with other organizations, corporations and communities.

- We will consider cost-effectiveness in our operation, and use our membership fee, donation and grant in accordance with
  our accountability policy.



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The Himalaya Archive Japan
"Think of the Earth, Think from the Himalaya"
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